Registration for Dance Camp North 2020 ***DRAFT***

  • We are simplifying the billing this year. Everyone still has to be a Member to attend, but the annual membership fee is now included directly in the price of the camp. The prices remain the same, so most campers will still pay the same amount– you/we just don't have to account for it separately. Please fill out a separate form for each individual over age 12. Children 12 and under go on the parent's form. Multiple forms can be paid together by checking a box at the end.
  • I have read, understand and accept the terms of the Waiver and Release of Liability. ***EDITING NOTE, AN "ACKNOWLEDGED" BOX HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY REMOVED.

Miscellaneous Info

  • Everyone will need to do 2 or 3 jobs or chores at Dance Camp. There are a few jobs we would like to have filled before Dance Camp starts. If you are willing to do any of the following, please check the appropriate box. You will be contacted before camp to confirm an actual job assignment. Other camp jobs will be available for signup when you arrive at Camp.

The Money

  • Please add up the amounts and either mail a check or use Paypal (credit cards accepted) as linked below. For regular mail, send your check payable to Contra Borealis Dancers (and completed registration form if using paper) to: Contra Borealis Dancers Dance Camp Registration P.O. Box 84084 Fairbanks, AK 99708 Remember: First come, first served! If more than 120 folks sign up for camp, the earliest postmarks or on-line payments will have priority. Bring some extra cash or your checkbook to camp for the silent auction (and bring something to auction!). The auction has always been a great success and raises money to keep camp costs down and for scholarships. If you have questions or special circumstances, please contact us at
  • (Includes a 1 year Contra Borealis Dancers’ Membership). To qualify for the Early Bird rate your registration AND payment must be received or post marked by July 31. Under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. PLEASE NOTE: Cancellation prior to Aug. 15, we keep $40. After that time, we are unable to offer refunds, but your registration can be transferred to someone else. Membership fees are not refundable in any case.
  • Payment

