Susan learned to dance and call in the Los Angeles area but since 2016 has lived on Vashon Island here in the Northwest. She describes herself as “a facilitator of joy” – “creating a community among random strangers by getting them to move together with the music” resulting in “everyone smiling.” She admits that calling “feeds my soul.”
Susan grew up surrounded by storytellers including her grandmother, mother, and father, and came to feel that she shared their gift. “It was my turn to keep the family stories alive.” She is now famous for her stories that make you laugh and cry all at the same time.
As for calling, Susan brings to her calling humor and insight. She teaches and encourages in a safe and accessible manner. And most importantly she stays current. She noted “the needs of our community are always changing.” She has been attributed with first using the gender free prompts of “larks and robins”, often replacing “ladies and gents.”