The Contra Borealis Dancers ( want to thank a number of people and groups for helping make the Winter Dance Weekend with band Nor’easter (Max, Julie, Cedar) and caller Rebecca Lay in early February a great success. This was a total volunteer effort so the support of our community was essential. Those who attended some or all of the events seem to have had an awesome time. This made the effort worthwhile. We hope this event has energized our multi-generational contradance community.
Organizing Committee: Charley and Lynn Basham, Brad Krick, Andie Rice and Gary Newman.
Our Board of Directors.
Donations and efforts from Tom Lyngholm, Christine Martin, Tony Pfister, Holly Stack, Chena and Gary Newman, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (Dermot Cole, Julie Stricker), UAF Sun Star (Fernanda Chamorro and Elika Roohi), KUAC (Lori Neufeld), College Coffeehouse (Bonnie Taylor and Michelle), Pioneer Park staff, Wood Center staff Ryan Keele, Carly Gray and others, Heather Koponen, Julie Stricker and Rod Boyce, Linda Harriger, Jeremiah Harrington and the Chordinated a Capella group, University Contradancers, door volunteers and those who helped bring in and pack out the P.A. equipment. And to all the dancers who came to share their energy and enthusiasm.